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Frequently asked question


FIL 2025 Location, dates, hours and costs

Where does FIL take place?

The Book Fair is located in Expo Guadalajara: Av. Mariano Otero 1599, Col. Verde Valle, Guadalajara, Jalisco.

What are the dates for FIL 2025?

FIL will be from November 29 to December 7, 2025.

What are FIL 2025 opening hours?

  • For the General Public:
    November 29 and 30,December 4, 5, 6  and from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
    December12 and 3 from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Professionals only:
    December 12 and 3 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  • Remember that the General Public does not have access during professionals only hours.

What is FIL's entrance fee?

  • General Admission:  $30.00 pesos  
  • Children aged 3 to 12, senior citizens with an INAPAM card, people with disabilities, students, teachers, and members of the University of Guadalajara Foundation with valid ID.:  $25.00 pesos  
  • U de G students with a valid student ID:  $20.00 pesos  

From what age children pay ticket?

From three years old.

What am I entitled to with my entrance ticket?

FIL visitors can attend book presentations, literary and cultural forums, the exhibit hall and FIL Niños during regular opening hours to the general public.

How can I find out which titles are being exhibited at FIL?

The Books Catalog is an on-line search engine that allows locating the available titles that publishing houses have at their stands.


Activities Program

Where can I find information regarding FIL’s Program?

The General Program of FIL Events will be available on this page.

When and where is the inauguration of FIL 2025?

Saturday, November 29 at 11:00 in the Juan Rulfo Auditorium.

¿If I have an invitation to attend a book presentation in FIL, must I purchase an entrance ticket?


How can I find out which events require an additional registration fee?

The entrance ticket provides access to the general public to literary events; some academic and professional events require an additional registration fee.

Are all programmed activities open to the public?

No. Some activities related to the academic and professional program require previous registration; they are indicated in the program with an icon.
To attend these events an additional registration fee is required icono


Guest of Honor

Who is Guest of Honor of FIL 2025?


How is the Guest of Honor selected every year?

Countries or regions that are interested in being Guest of Honor submit a proposal following three lines of programming: presence of publishers, literary delegation and cultural activities. The Administration Committee of the Book Fair analyzes these proposals and the most attractive and feasible are selected.


Tributes and Awards

Who received the FIL 2025 Literary Award, given by the Civil Association of the Juan Rulfo Latin American and Caribbean Literature Prize?

Mia Couto




Where do the concerts take place?

At the Foro FIL of Expo Guadalajara.

Is there a fee for the concerts?

The Foro FIL concerts are free. Prices for tickets to concerts in private venues are published in the press or available at the local box offices.

How can I get the concert schedule?

All concerts at the Foro FIL start at 21:00 each night during the Fair. Schedules for concerts in other venues are published in their own websites.


FIL Youth

Will my entrance ticket give me access to FIL Youth activities?


Is there an age limit for participating in these activities?

Events are open to everyone.


FIL Niños

When will FIL Niños take place?

FIL Niños  will be held from Saturday, November 29 to Sunday, December 7.

Where is FIL Niños located?

It's within Expo Guadalajara. You can check the map here.

Where can I purchase tickets?

To enter FIL Niños , you just have to buy your ticket online or at the ticket offices (

How much are the tickets for FIL Niños?

  • General Admission:  $30.00 pesos  
  • Children aged 3 to 12, senior citizens with an INAPAM card, people with disabilities, students, teachers, and members of the University of Guadalajara Foundation with valid ID.:  $25.00 pesos  
  • U de G students with a valid student ID:  $20.00 pesos  


What are the entry times for the general public to the workshops and the FIL Niños ' Forum?

Saturdays and Sundays
from 10:00 to 20:00 hours


From November 29
to December 7, 2025

From Monday to Friday
from 15:00 to 20:00 hours

Can I enter FIL Niños with the FIL entrance ticket?

Yes, in the schedules for the general public

How long does each workshop last?

Fifty minutes and they start at the announced hour on the dot.

Can children enter any workshop?

Yes, as long as there is a spot for them and they meet the age range of the workshop they are interested in.

At what time do parents have to pick up the children at the workshop?

For safety, parents should stay close to the workshop to attend to any needs that children may have at any time. The workshops do not function as a nursery.

What is the age range to attend the workshops and the FIL Kid's Forum?

The shows are for family audiences and the workshops are given in three age ranges: from 3 to 6 years old, from 7 to 9 years old and from 10 to 12 years old. In addition to a workshop for parents and babies from 6 to 18 months.

At what time do parents have to pick up the children at the workshop?

For safety, parents should stay close to the workshop to attend to any needs that children may have at any time. The workshops do not function as a nursery.

What happens if a child is not picked up at the end of a workshop?

The workshop facilitators are instructed that once a new workshop session has started, they have to take the children that have not been picked up to the FIL Niños ' office. For this reason, those accompanying minors are requested not to leave the workshop area.

Is it possible to change from one workshop to another, or from one workshop to a show?

Yes, as long as there is space and the start and end times of the activities are respected. The child must always be accompanied by an adult. It is recommended that you do not interrupt an activity while it is in progress, so that the experience for you or the other participants is satisfactory and complete.

Can a child enter FIL Niños alone?

No minor should be present at FIL Niños  without adult supervision. When an infant is left on his or her own, he or she will not be allowed to leave the pavilion under any circumstances and will be taken to the office of the organizing committee and the protocol for missing children will be activated.

What is a spontaneous workshop?

FIL Niños  is a place where it is possible for authors and readers to meet, so each edition seeks to take advantage of the visit to the fair of writers, illustrators and institutions that wish to share their work with the children who attend this space. We have called this format created in 2013 a Spontaneous Workshop, since it may happen only once within the framework of the FIL Guadalajara.

How can I register a group at FIL Niños ?

In order to enjoy a guided group tour, go to the website and choose the option “REGISTER YOUR GROUP”. Fill the reservation application. More information by phone 3338100331, extension 933.


Presenting a book

Is it required to have a stand in order to present a book?

No. Any cultural institution, author or publisher, foreign or domestic, can present literary novelties as part of the FIL program.

How large are the rooms for presentations?

Expo Guadalajara has 20 rooms that may accommodate 50 to 500 people.

What does the fee include?

  • Use of the room for 50 minutes
  • 3 badges per presentation
  • Sound system
  • Name plates
  • Speaker table
  • A table outside the room for selling or exhibiting materials during the presentation


Exhibitors and Professionals

Who are the exhibitors at FIL?

The staff members of the institutions or publishing houses that have a stand at the Book Fair.

What do the companies participating as exhibitors have the right to?

Apart from the assigned exhibition space, the exhibitor has the right to be included in the Exhibitors Catalog, to receive name badges according to the size of the stand, receive discounts on airlines and hotels, participate in many of the free programs programs that may increase their possibilities of doing business, the use of the professionals’ Business Center for business meetings, and attend different forums, meetings and book presentations that do not require previous registration.

When and where can I pick up my exhibitor’s badge and Welcome bag?

Beginning Friday, November 29, 2025 from 10:00 am to 19:00, in the Exhibitors Services Desk located at corridor ÑÑ at the Business Center in the International Pavilion.

What should I do as a first-time exhibitor?

Fill out your stand application. We will confirm receipt of your application and send you further instructions. Consult the participation policies.

Who can register as a professional at FIL?

All those involved in the publishing industry: rights agentspublishersbooksellersdistributorslibrariansillustratorsreading promoterstranslatorsscouts and writers.
The Fair also allows registration as professional for people whose professional activities and interests in acquisitions is done during professional hours, provided they cover the corresponding fees.

What are the days and hours for professionals?

December Monday 1, Tuesday 2 and 3, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

What am I entitled to when registering as a professional?

Registration gives you the right to be included in the Contacts' catalog, obtain airlines and hotels discounts, receive an access badge, the use of the professionals’ Business Center for meetings, and attend different forums, meetings and book presentations that do not require previous registration.

Where is the Business Center?

In the Blue Pavilion of the International Area, corridor ÑÑ.

What services are available in the Business Center?

Tables for business meetings, and Exhibitors Services Desk, and storage services at corridor ÑÑ

Who has access to the Business Center?

All exhibitors and visiting professional bearing a badge.


Hotel and Travel

Does the Book Fair offer special hotel and airline rates to the attending public?

Yes, hotels and airlines discounts. To learn more about these special offers, contact Yolanda Herrera at (+52 33) 3810-0331, ext. 943, or by e-mail at:

If I am a professional or an exhibitor, who can help me with hotel reservations?

Please reserve with FIL’s Travel Services Coordinator, Yolanda Herrera, tel.: (+52 33) 3810-0331, ext. 943 or by e-mail:

Which are the nearest hotels to the Fair?

Please refer to the map available on the Hotel page.

How can I make a reservation?

Fill out the reservation request form providing your complete information.

How will I know if my reservation has been confirmed?

The Travel Services Coordinator will send you written proof, which will include your confirmation number.

What is the deadline for making changes or cancellations with no penalty?

Each hotel has its own policies which are stated in the letter of confirmation sent by FIL’s Travel Coordination.

How can I receive airfare discounts?

Every year several airlines offer airfair discounts for FIL visitors. For more information, please refer to our Travel page or contact the Travel Services Coordinator: Yolanda Herrera, e-mail: Yolanda Herrera.




How can I receive information about FIL?

We publish all our press releases on our web page, in the Press section. People wishing to receive information in their inbox may register to our electronic mailing list.

How can I get press accreditation for FIL?

Accreditation period begins in August. The accreditation request form is filled out on-line and once approved, you will receive confirmation via e-mail.

Can I attend all FIL events with my press badge?

Your press badge allows you to attend all FIL activities organized by FIL in Expo Guadalajara and some that take place in alternative venues, like the Barceló Hotel and in different locations of the University of Guadalajara. It is not valid for cultural activities that carry an entrance fee; for these it is necessary to receive due accreditation by the organizers of the specific events. This badge is not valid for attending FIL social activities or those organized by third parties.

What happens if I lose my press badge?

If you lose your press badge, contact our Press Office immediately. A replacement badge has a cost of 800 pesos.

What services are available at FIL’s Press Office?

FIL’s Press Office is designed to offer journalists the best conditions for them to carry out their work. In addition to providing information on daily events, activities and press conferences, the Press Office offers accredited journalists computers, Internet and wi-fi access, phone, fax and copy services at no cost.