© Fernando Sínchez David Lozano Garbala
Invitado de Honor
He holds a law degree from the Universidad de Zaragoza, a Master's in Communication, and has studied Hispanic Philology. He has worked as a lawyer and professor. He is the creator and coordinator of the Criticón Award for youth literature, organized by the Zaragoza City Council, and he currently balances writing with his role as a screenwriter for various production companies. In 2024, he received the XLVI Premio Gran Angular for youth literature for his novel Intruso, a recognition he also achieved in 2006 with his work Donde surgen las sombras.Additionally, in 2018, he was awarded the Edebé Prize for his novel Desconocidos, the Catalan edition of which also won the Menjallibres and Protagonista Jove awards in 2019, as well as the Frei Martín Sarmiento award in Galician. He was a finalist for the Edebé Prize for children's literature with his novel El ladrón de minutos, and he is the author of the gothic fantasy trilogy La puerta oscura.He has published novels in eleven countries (Spain, Germany, Poland, Italy, Hungary, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, and Turkey). Specializing in the suspense genre for young readers, his most well-known titles include the novels Valkiria, Hyde, Cielo Rojo, and HerejíaLa cena más rica del mundo, La estrella invisible, El mago sin nombre y La domadora de bichosEl fantasmatrón, Las Olimpiadas Lentas and El carnaval de los sosos).
Other activities involving the participant:
Matters of death (or life)